Wednesday, August 4, 2010


The kids and I sleep in until 9:00!! Unbelievable and unnecessary.
After breakfast we make blender banana bread (yum!) and then head up stairs to get the kids dressed and to srtip the beds. (It's been awhile...) They have fun tugging and wrestling with the sheets and blankets from everyone's beds. They take all the pillows they can find and make a path down the hallway and into my room. They "march" from pillow to pillow, making elephant noises.
Just when I think I can sneak in a bit of computer time - it is complete hell. Screaming and crying and pushing and fighting. On me, beside me and all around in the office while I try to read my email, blog and make a facebook invite to T's birthday party.
We go outside to cool down and blow off some of that agression. Steer and kitten chores. Then back inside. The kids take a break and watch Mickey and I do up some treat bags in anticipation for the upcoming (date To be Determined) birthday party for a 3 year old.
It's nearing lunch time, so I phone a couple of my buddies to see if they want to meet me down the street from their place for a "bro-burger" at the Open House. The Schultz family join us for a fab beef on a bun lunch. Little Phoebe was perturbed by Tristan's enthusasim in a thing called BobCat (that's not even a REAL CAT) and T had fum showing Phoeb all the cool machinery and corals ("Gates") that they had sett up. From town we got the mail and then drove to Carnduff to check out the herd there.
Kids nap while on the road - so that's nice. Once home I finish tidying up the trianlge room (which is my crafty nook/catchall room) and hang up pictures in the spare room (it was painted over a year ago...)
Make supper for the 3 of us and then work on the calendar for preschool/prek. The kis help me bring in several load of freshly air-dryed clothes that we fold. (or I fold and they unfold and I re-fold). We head upstairs to make up all the beds that we stripped this morning.
Bath time and PJs/ Then downstairs again to watch the stamede. T doesn't make it to the bulls, which are his favorite and I feel a bit bad for him, he LOVES them!... but it IS 10:00! Rach makes it through all of the rodeo and most of the chuckwagon races before she zonks out. (such a trooper)
I change the lightbulbs that I've been meaning to change for a month, and make up a batch of quick and easy cards to have on hand. (baby gift/birthday) Then head to bed.

Day Three

Tuesday the 13th of July.
A day at home! (or so it seems...)
After the kids are up, fed and dressed we do our usual kitten and steer chores. Then we clean out my truck. Boy was it a mess! a grocery bag of garbage, one of recycling and a clothes basket of "house stuff" (clothes, toys, etc)
We gather up the laundry and wash and hang out a few loads. I LOVE hanging clothes on the line. It is like my favorite chore. I don't love putting them away... but I could hang them out all day long!
Then I load the kids in the tractor and go out back to re-stack the bales, as per Dan's instructions from this morning. It goes smoothly and only takes a bit more than an hour.
Mom comes over for lunch. She's here to help me with the kids and with tidying/reorganizing the office, triangle room and library. We get a pretty good dent in the mess when my Dad calls. He invites me to come to town with him to an Open House day for a new business in town. I hang up another load of clean clothes and hop in with him.
We spend an hour or so looking around at Meridian Rentals. Talking with sales reps for mineral tubs, waterers and coral systems. Then we come back to my place and move home the bales from our hay field across the coulee from our house.
Once we get them all home (3 loads) I come in to help mom make supper. After eating, I drive the truck and flat deck over to our heritage field and take a load of bales from their to mom and dad's. I help Dad unhook the mower, which was attached to the tractor that he drove over - nearly carried away my the huge swarms of mosquitoes!! Dan (who had the other trailer) drives up home at 11:00. Mom then leaves (she has bathed and put the kids to bed) I get the coffee and lunch ready for the morning. Watch a bit of stampede on TV and head to bed by midnight.

Day 2...

Monday the 12th
Dan has to be in Lampman before 6am every day from now to eternity (or until this leg of the Enbridge pipeline is done.) So therefore I am up at 4:30 everyday to make sure he is up, and to see him on his way (fill his thermos with coffee, take his lunch out of the fridge and give him a “have a good day” on his way out the door.) I then sleepily climb back into bed until a more acceptable hour (7:30 today). Once the kids and I are all up, dressed and fed we head outside for our daily morning chores. We have 4 kittens and 2 mama cats that need petted and fed. (4 other kittens have found new homes…these 4 are FREE to anyone who wants a meat-loving, kid-handled sweetheart) Tristan is so brave with the kittens, he loves picking up the “little fella”s and finding all their “brudders and seesters”. Rachel’s cat’s name is Jewel and she feels that all 4 kittens should be called Jewel too – so she chases them around – half bent over, peering at them – saying “jew-ull” over and over. Poor things.
Then it’s over to the arena to hay and water the steers. The kids like to look at and talk to these guys too – no petting though. They are a little big and fast for that!
We head to town after chores to get groceries. It feels like we’re there every friggin day! It was almost fun when they had the pot-sticker campaign, but that’s over now… (did get 4 pots outta it though!...not bad for $3500 in groceries in 6 months!)< Roll your eyes> Tristan’s job is to carry in the big water jugs – he huffs and puffs and is so proud of being such a strong big boy!
After groceries and a few other errands, I take Rachel to my mom's place to spend the afternoon with her. My mom is my on-call babysitter and i use her most days. It's so nice living close by and awesome that the kids get to spend so much time with thier "bobby".
Tristan came with me to finish up some baling at a field near Alida. He loves tractors and bales and this was a bit of a treat for him to come with me. After finishing up the bales we drive the tractor back to mom and dad's farm. This was too much of a trip for T - he fell asleep and needed to sit on my knee, with his head on my shoulder for the slow, bumpy trip back. Take T into mom's house so he can continue his nap in comfort. I unhook the baler and drive the tractor back to our place.
It is 3:00 when I get to our farm. I pick all the bales in our home hay field, until 7:30. I'm just finishing up when Dan comes home from work. I have stack the bales wrong. All that time and work and has now made more work for Dan. He will have to re-stack the majority of the bales tonight. (not happy)
We drive to the Alida field to pick up my truck. We have a fight (over what, I can't remember now... something I did wrong, or didn't do, or didn't think about while doing...) it's a big blow out - lots of yelling, tears, me hyperventilating, melting down, and wishing I wasn't alive.
Then I drive to my mom's for supper and to pick up the kids (it's 9:00pm now) After eating a yummy meat and potatoes supper I take the sleepyheads home. They don't make it down the lane before they're both snoring.
When I get home I leave them in the truck and feed the 2 hungry, barking dogs that greet me. Then one by one I bring the kids in the house and up the stairs to bed. Fingers crossed that they don't wake up. Phew. they stay sleeping.
Make Dan's lunch for tomorrow, set up the coffee timer and hit the hay.