Times I’ve Had An Audience
1. 4-H Public Speaking. Throughout my years as a 4-H member I participated in the public speaking competitions, competing at club, district, regional and provincial levels.
2. 10.01.05 Over 200 people travelled to the tiny village of Glen Ewen to witness Dan and I exchange our wedding vows
3. Scripture readings at church. I really respect a former minister of our church and her ability to read scripture aloud like a storybook. I love listening to her read from the bible and on days when I’m asked to share scripture I wish I could do the same.
4. Playing piano as a kid. I don’t think I was ever very good at it. The whole 2 hands thinking separately was too much for my mind to handle. But I did play at recitals, competitions and at church.
5. Can’t think of any other specific ones, but there’s been lots. I’m not shy of speaking in front of people.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Niner: Scar-ey
1. Chicken Pox “circle” above my eye.
2. Two small but deep cuts on my wrist - from a feisty calf I tagged once.
3. A heart that was smashed to bits by the sudden and ugly death of my mom.
4. Stretch marks from growing 3 beautiful babies. Each pregnancy left me with new and unique marks.
5. the skin on my knee is “weird” since a childhood bike accident (Country Girl meets Edmonton Pavement)and a nasty road rash that took months to heal. (actually acqired blood poisoning from the injury and almost missed summer camp because of it!!)
1. Chicken Pox “circle” above my eye.
2. Two small but deep cuts on my wrist - from a feisty calf I tagged once.
3. A heart that was smashed to bits by the sudden and ugly death of my mom.
4. Stretch marks from growing 3 beautiful babies. Each pregnancy left me with new and unique marks.
5. the skin on my knee is “weird” since a childhood bike accident (Country Girl meets Edmonton Pavement)and a nasty road rash that took months to heal. (actually acqired blood poisoning from the injury and almost missed summer camp because of it!!)
Figure 8: Inspiration
Things That Inspire Me
1. Blogs and websites. I have a ton that I like to check in on to see what they’re up to. Some are written by friends/acquaintances but most are written by complete strangers who talk about issues I deal with…Parenting, Household Management, Post-Partum Depression, Run-of-the-mill Depression, Grief, Pre-School Education, etc, etc, *Coming soon* a list of blogs I follow, in hopes you will find some inspiration too*
2. Quotes. Lyrics. Words of hope and motivation.
3. Pinterest. It’s a ridiculous time waster in my life, but the things people come up with! It inspires me to be more organized, crafty and creative. I really do love it and wish I had more time to pin and read/implement the pins!
4. My friends. My very best friends are all amazing women. Each one is strong and beautiful and I aspire to be more like each of them.
1. Blogs and websites. I have a ton that I like to check in on to see what they’re up to. Some are written by friends/acquaintances but most are written by complete strangers who talk about issues I deal with…Parenting, Household Management, Post-Partum Depression, Run-of-the-mill Depression, Grief, Pre-School Education, etc, etc, *Coming soon* a list of blogs I follow, in hopes you will find some inspiration too*
2. Quotes. Lyrics. Words of hope and motivation.
3. Pinterest. It’s a ridiculous time waster in my life, but the things people come up with! It inspires me to be more organized, crafty and creative. I really do love it and wish I had more time to pin and read/implement the pins!
4. My friends. My very best friends are all amazing women. Each one is strong and beautiful and I aspire to be more like each of them.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Lucky Number Sleven: Tequila makes My Clothes Fall Off.....
Things I Like To Wear
1. Jeans. Especially when they are new ones in a size smaller than last time I went shopping!
2. Jewelry. I have lots of ear rings, necklaces and bracelets that I love, but mot of the time I feel like they are too fancy-schmancy for my plain life.
3. My “skinny” coat. I got it for Christmas this year from Dan and love the silhouette it give me!
1. Jeans. Especially when they are new ones in a size smaller than last time I went shopping!
2. Jewelry. I have lots of ear rings, necklaces and bracelets that I love, but mot of the time I feel like they are too fancy-schmancy for my plain life.
3. My “skinny” coat. I got it for Christmas this year from Dan and love the silhouette it give me!
List 6: Travel the World
Travel Wishes
1. New York City
2. Las Vegas
3. Disney World
4. The Maritimes
5. Texas
6. Savannah, Georgia
7. Back to Nashville
8. Back to Denmark
9. Hawaii
10. Costa Rica
1. New York City
2. Las Vegas
3. Disney World
4. The Maritimes
5. Texas
6. Savannah, Georgia
7. Back to Nashville
8. Back to Denmark
9. Hawaii
10. Costa Rica
The Fifth List of the First Quarter....
Things I Don’t Like
1. mice in my house
2. bats in my house
3. puking kids
4. whiney kids
5. cancer
6. hangovers
7. the distance between me and you
8. bullies and mean people
9. math.
10. bills
11. rollcoasters – real and emotional ones
12. weeds in my garden
13. most fruits, veggies and berries
14. Skinny people who’ve always been skinny (and never have had to work for it)
1. mice in my house
2. bats in my house
3. puking kids
4. whiney kids
5. cancer
6. hangovers
7. the distance between me and you
8. bullies and mean people
9. math.
10. bills
11. rollcoasters – real and emotional ones
12. weeds in my garden
13. most fruits, veggies and berries
14. Skinny people who’ve always been skinny (and never have had to work for it)
List Four: Mid-Life Crisis Options??
Jobs I’d Be Good At
1. Teacher
2. Nurse
3. Occupational Therapist
4. Writer/Journalist
5. Photographer (dreamed of working for National geographic as a kid)
6. Retail. I’d pick a bookstore, scrapbook/craft store or gifty store.
7. Vet
8. Poineer. I totally could have lived 100+ years ago.
1. Teacher
2. Nurse
3. Occupational Therapist
4. Writer/Journalist
5. Photographer (dreamed of working for National geographic as a kid)
6. Retail. I’d pick a bookstore, scrapbook/craft store or gifty store.
7. Vet
8. Poineer. I totally could have lived 100+ years ago.
List Three: Jobs I"ve had
1. Babysitter. I loved doing this job throughout middle and high school. The kids I watched are now old enough to babysit my kids! (sheesh! you'd think I was OLD or something!)
2. Odd jobber for my parents and for others. I got paid to do painting (interior and exterior) and yard work.
3. For two summers I worked as a Historical Interpreter. One summer @ the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village and one summer @ Fort Edmonton Park. I got to dress up in costumes from various eras, portray various personalities and share certain aspects of history with tourists and school groups. I loved these two summers.
4. Program Facilitator. Worked for an awesome organization in Calgary that provided recreational opportunities for adults with disabilities. It was a really fun opportunity to meet many people with all kinds of abilities/disabilities/ personalities and to help me get to know the city better.
5. Camp Counsellor. For the same org. as above. They run a fantastic summer day camp program. I loved it! (well, not the pay, but the rest for sure!)
6. Classroom Aide. I worked in an early intervention private pre-school in Calgary. Really set the tone for my passion for special ed, inclusive ed, adaptive learning opportunities. My first time working with kids with disabilities. Each one of them melted my heart on a daily basis.
7. Job Coach. In High River/Okotoks, helping adults with disabilities to maintain employment in the community. I helped people who were among other things, restaurant dish washers, newspaper deliverers, recyclers.
8. Outreach Worker. This was my most fulfilling job. This is where I truly felt important (I had my own office! I was middle-management! I was one of only a few university grads working for the company. I was actually USING what I’d learned in school!) I managed a caseload of 15-20 adults with a wide range of disabilities. I did such a wide range of tasks that it was never boring, sometimes dangerous and almost always what I wanted to be doing. I was on the path to manager. The managers and exec. Director had big plans for me. I had big plans for me! Then I got preggo…and moved back to Saskatchewan….
9. Mamma. This job is a lot more difficult and thankless than I ever imagined, but I love my kids so much!
10. Preschool Teacher. This was a very cool job. I worked alongside an amazing woman and truly enjoyed all the thinking, planning and playing that this job required. However it required so much of all 3, that I just didn’t have enough in the tank at the end of the day to give to my own kids. I had to resign after only one year. It’s been hard letting go. I WILL do this again sometime, maybe once the kids are older.
11. Teacher’s Aide/Educational Assistant. This was another job I could see myself doing as a career once the kids are older. As a sub I worked in all the different divisions with a ton of interesting kids and equally interesting teachers!
12. Farmer. I am not a just farmer’s wife. I AM a farmer. I drive the tractor, I make the bales, I check/feed/care for the animals, I keep the records, I have a say in the decisions.
2. Odd jobber for my parents and for others. I got paid to do painting (interior and exterior) and yard work.
3. For two summers I worked as a Historical Interpreter. One summer @ the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village and one summer @ Fort Edmonton Park. I got to dress up in costumes from various eras, portray various personalities and share certain aspects of history with tourists and school groups. I loved these two summers.
4. Program Facilitator. Worked for an awesome organization in Calgary that provided recreational opportunities for adults with disabilities. It was a really fun opportunity to meet many people with all kinds of abilities/disabilities/ personalities and to help me get to know the city better.
5. Camp Counsellor. For the same org. as above. They run a fantastic summer day camp program. I loved it! (well, not the pay, but the rest for sure!)
6. Classroom Aide. I worked in an early intervention private pre-school in Calgary. Really set the tone for my passion for special ed, inclusive ed, adaptive learning opportunities. My first time working with kids with disabilities. Each one of them melted my heart on a daily basis.
7. Job Coach. In High River/Okotoks, helping adults with disabilities to maintain employment in the community. I helped people who were among other things, restaurant dish washers, newspaper deliverers, recyclers.
8. Outreach Worker. This was my most fulfilling job. This is where I truly felt important (I had my own office! I was middle-management! I was one of only a few university grads working for the company. I was actually USING what I’d learned in school!) I managed a caseload of 15-20 adults with a wide range of disabilities. I did such a wide range of tasks that it was never boring, sometimes dangerous and almost always what I wanted to be doing. I was on the path to manager. The managers and exec. Director had big plans for me. I had big plans for me! Then I got preggo…and moved back to Saskatchewan….
9. Mamma. This job is a lot more difficult and thankless than I ever imagined, but I love my kids so much!
10. Preschool Teacher. This was a very cool job. I worked alongside an amazing woman and truly enjoyed all the thinking, planning and playing that this job required. However it required so much of all 3, that I just didn’t have enough in the tank at the end of the day to give to my own kids. I had to resign after only one year. It’s been hard letting go. I WILL do this again sometime, maybe once the kids are older.
11. Teacher’s Aide/Educational Assistant. This was another job I could see myself doing as a career once the kids are older. As a sub I worked in all the different divisions with a ton of interesting kids and equally interesting teachers!
12. Farmer. I am not a just farmer’s wife. I AM a farmer. I drive the tractor, I make the bales, I check/feed/care for the animals, I keep the records, I have a say in the decisions.
List 2: Lucky Me
I’m Lucky Because….
1. I have 3 beautiful healthy kids. I have never known the heartache of losing a child, or spending months in a hospital ward praying for my child. Nor have I had to endure the months (years) of infertility that some couples do…
2. I have a huge support network close by me. I have family, friends and family friends who I can count on to help out, who support me and quietly cheer for me. Many people live across the country/world from their closest supports. Many people have no one.
3. I am married to someone who loves me no matter what. Despite all my quirks, craziness, and challenges he’s always there for me. While our “love languages” may not be the same, and he may ‘pick my ass’ a lot, I know that he just wants me to be the best I can be and I appreciate that.
1. I have 3 beautiful healthy kids. I have never known the heartache of losing a child, or spending months in a hospital ward praying for my child. Nor have I had to endure the months (years) of infertility that some couples do…
2. I have a huge support network close by me. I have family, friends and family friends who I can count on to help out, who support me and quietly cheer for me. Many people live across the country/world from their closest supports. Many people have no one.
3. I am married to someone who loves me no matter what. Despite all my quirks, craziness, and challenges he’s always there for me. While our “love languages” may not be the same, and he may ‘pick my ass’ a lot, I know that he just wants me to be the best I can be and I appreciate that.
List One: Favorite Places
1. The Shower. I love how the only thing I can hear is the water. The chaos of my house fades away for a few minutes. It’s a relaxing place where I can do some thinking with a clear head, or not think at all!
2. My Bed. Lately sleep has been my friend. I love the soft warmth of my blankets. I love when I’m alone and have the whole bed to myself. I love when Dan’s home to share it with me. I love when it’s full of my wiggly, giggly, snuggly kids!
3. A Pasture. I love being outside. Following a trail made by cows, horses or wildlife. Looking at the wildflowers, plants, trees, weeds….I also really love my cows. I love getting to know them; spending time around them just makes me happy.
4. The Foothills of Alberta. I absolutely love looking west and seeing the mountains! There is something almost magical about seeing those big snow-capped rocks on the horizon. I wish I could see them from Saskatchewan…..
5. The Mountains. They really are incredible. Being right in the thick of them is captivating.
6. Nashville.
7. Denmark. I have been there twice and need to go back. I have a lot of cousins there< and a strong connection to the country.
2. My Bed. Lately sleep has been my friend. I love the soft warmth of my blankets. I love when I’m alone and have the whole bed to myself. I love when Dan’s home to share it with me. I love when it’s full of my wiggly, giggly, snuggly kids!
3. A Pasture. I love being outside. Following a trail made by cows, horses or wildlife. Looking at the wildflowers, plants, trees, weeds….I also really love my cows. I love getting to know them; spending time around them just makes me happy.
4. The Foothills of Alberta. I absolutely love looking west and seeing the mountains! There is something almost magical about seeing those big snow-capped rocks on the horizon. I wish I could see them from Saskatchewan…..
5. The Mountains. They really are incredible. Being right in the thick of them is captivating.
6. Nashville.
7. Denmark. I have been there twice and need to go back. I have a lot of cousins there< and a strong connection to the country.
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