Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fruits/Veggies & Me - an unhealthy relationship

I don't eat Fruit. I don't in Veggies. Therefore I don't loose weight.
It's not that I hate F/Vs it's just that I don't LOVE them and don't think to eat them. I can go weeks with having little more than a banana in the F/V column of diet. So what do I eat instead? Crap. Prepackaged, convinient, crap. 3 point Granola Bars mostly. They are too easy. I know I just shouldn't buy them - but they are better than the 5 point ones I used to get...
Produce goes bad in my fridge more often than it is consumed.
I need to refocus my diet if I am ever going to be sucessful in the weightloss world. (Which by the way, I'm feeling very unsuccessful in these days - next week is rollover and I've only lost 6 lbs in the first 12 weeks - should have been more like 20! I sucked. But as far as excuses go, I guess a sick/dieing/dead mom is a pretty good reason to have had a few extra brownies, bowls of Lucky Charms and pans of full-fat lasanga made by sweet, well meaning friends/neighbours... but that's all over with now - no more excuses...the next 12 weeks will be MAJOR or my name's not Feather Tober! )
So ways to increase my F/V intake to a near healthy level:
1. make ahead smoothies to have for morning snack. (4 at a time b/c I have 4 "tummblers" from Tupperware - Fab for freezing smoothies! Fill with fresh or frozen fruit that I will not eat fresh (pineapple, honeydew, berries, mango, etc etc) Add 1% milk, slim fast powder, a juice box and blend to a palatable mush. Freeze. remember to take out of freezer when I wake up. Voila! 2 servings of satisfying fruit.
2. Buy the more expensive, but useable frozen veggie medlies/sauced ones(as opposed to the unusable/gone bad vegs in my crisper) Like the yummy broccoli in cheese microwave boxes, stir fry mix, and the ones with baby corns in them! They won't go bad, and they are easy and yummy - so cook them, bitch, cook them!
3. Have a some kind of fruit at breakfast everyday. Banana, orange, apple... skip the refined sugar/carb cereals and have oatmeal/cream of wheat (instant b/c I'm lazy, with brown sugar splenda and a dollup of strawberry jam!) and a fruit. Just say NO to 26 years of my 2 daily bowls ceral and fill up on something that keeps me full for more than 20 minutes!
4. Any other suggestion?, oh beautiful blog readers who have a healthy relationship with the produce section of life...


  1. Just for the record, 6 pounds in 12 weeks is half a pound a week, which is what is healthy. Also JFTR, I gained 2.2 pounds the week I was home.

    Those are great ideas! Especially the frozen f/v. They are more expensive, which sucks, but steamed with a bit of salt they're really good. M&M Meats has a few veg medley/stirfry things that might be helpful. I like to throw frozen fruit in a dish with yogurt and put it in the fridge overnight. Usually it's thawed by morning and kinda sweetens/flavors the yogurt (I go with plain or vanilla).

    I thought of a couple things that might help, but I'm not sure how that works for the redheads (or small town grocery stores).

    Stirfry. Pre-bagged salad. Baby carrots. Fruit/yogurt/Go Lean Crunch. Homemade vegetable soup (I have a fab recipe if you want it). A bowl of apples right next to the fridge.

    I also have this cookbook (by Jerry Seinfeld's wife) called Deceptively Delicious. You make these fruit and veggie purees and then make things with those. Like cauliflower puree in mashed potatoes. It's made for parents whose kids won't eat veggies -- might be good for a mom who isn't getting along with them too! I'll bring it Sat (it might be crap, I don't know)

    I think you are AMAZING (just for the record).

  2. Big thumbs up for the Jessica Seinfeld recipe books that Pennie mentioned. I use her two cookbooks all the time and having the frozen pureed veggies in the fridge often get used for other recipes just b/c they are there in the fridge and ready to go.

    I did Weight Watchers a year ago and I was like you and not a big veggie eater. I found that taking an hour on Sunday to peel and cut up a bunch of my favorite fruits and veggies to keep in the fridge for the upcoming week helped me get through my bad snack cravings throughout the week. At the beginning of each day i would set out 3 little bowls and put out 3 types of fruits or veggies to nibble on throughout the morning. So each time I walked into the kitchen I would grab a carrot stick or a couple raspberries to nibble on and once I got in the habit of eating my little snacks I didn't feel the need to tear my cupboards apart looking for my fattening snacks. If you are constantly eating the F/V's everytime you walk in the kitchen you are keeping yourself full. Switch up the F/V each day and then it won't get boring. Almonds are also a good filler snack too.

    Heather, you have been through alot in the last couple months and good for you for loosing 6 lbs, you should be proud of yourself! The fact that you haven't given up through these last couple months also says alot for you. If you have the desire to keep trying you will succeed. Give it some time, it is hard to break those old, convenient habits. You can do this Heather! We will be here to cheer you on and encourage you when ever you need it!
