Thursday, April 19, 2012

Monthly Round-Up

Here is a list from katie @

The idea is to re-cap the month for journaling, blogging or scrapbooking ideas
Here's the list of prompts. In a perfect world I'll do this and share it with you every month, but lets face it, my world is anything buy perfect, but maybe...

1. What I've read/learned this month - books, blogs, magazines, classes, etc
2. What Entertainment was there - movies, TV shows, plays, concerts, etc
3. Fun with the Family and my Friends
4. Gifts I Gave and/or Recieved
5. Special or Unusual Purchases
6. Illnesses or Health Concerns
7. My Accomplishments
8. My Disappointments
9.Goal CheckIn. Progress towards short and long term ones
10. What else was Noteworthy?

Stay Tuned........

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