Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day Three

Tuesday the 13th of July.
A day at home! (or so it seems...)
After the kids are up, fed and dressed we do our usual kitten and steer chores. Then we clean out my truck. Boy was it a mess! a grocery bag of garbage, one of recycling and a clothes basket of "house stuff" (clothes, toys, etc)
We gather up the laundry and wash and hang out a few loads. I LOVE hanging clothes on the line. It is like my favorite chore. I don't love putting them away... but I could hang them out all day long!
Then I load the kids in the tractor and go out back to re-stack the bales, as per Dan's instructions from this morning. It goes smoothly and only takes a bit more than an hour.
Mom comes over for lunch. She's here to help me with the kids and with tidying/reorganizing the office, triangle room and library. We get a pretty good dent in the mess when my Dad calls. He invites me to come to town with him to an Open House day for a new business in town. I hang up another load of clean clothes and hop in with him.
We spend an hour or so looking around at Meridian Rentals. Talking with sales reps for mineral tubs, waterers and coral systems. Then we come back to my place and move home the bales from our hay field across the coulee from our house.
Once we get them all home (3 loads) I come in to help mom make supper. After eating, I drive the truck and flat deck over to our heritage field and take a load of bales from their to mom and dad's. I help Dad unhook the mower, which was attached to the tractor that he drove over - nearly carried away my the huge swarms of mosquitoes!! Dan (who had the other trailer) drives up home at 11:00. Mom then leaves (she has bathed and put the kids to bed) I get the coffee and lunch ready for the morning. Watch a bit of stampede on TV and head to bed by midnight.

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